Friday, December 01, 2006

I have been assesed as a terrorist or criminal threat...

And so have you if you've traveled into or out of the country within the past four years. The gorvernment has been using a computerized Automated Targeting System to track and keep records of anyone exiting or entering the country by land, sea or air, and "under specific circumstances, some or all data in the system can be shared with state, local and foreign governments and even some private contractors." They assign a threat rating based on comparing the "activities and characteristics of terrorists and criminals" to your travel data. So know that you are in the system if you've been traveling outside the U.S. recently, and there are way too many people who can access it.

Article here.

Also, a naked man smoking crack is chomped on by an alligator. My favorite quote from the article: "Judd said Apgar told deputies he was smoking crack-cocaine at the adjacent park, but it was unclear why he was naked or why he was attacked by the alligator."

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