Friday, November 10, 2006

Things of Interest from Around the World

Today I've stumbled upon several stories from the plain interesting to the downright bizarre. The first one is about a humorous (in my opinion) new way they are collecting taxes in India. They are sending a group of eunuchs door to door to people who haven't paid their taxes, where they sing outside their homes until they pay them. So far, they've been very successful, according to this Wahington Post story. Think about waking up to the gentle sounds of 20 eunuchs standing outside your window, singing about taxes. Sounds like a weird dream I had a while ago.

Next, we have something about our usual tricksters, North Korea and Iran. Apparently the Indian Coast Guard picked up an empty North Korean cargo ship headed for Iran after it broke down in Indian waters. Why would an empty ship be headed for Iran? No one knows, and the crew's not saying anything. That's reassuring. As Mark Levenstein puts it in his blog, "I'm sure it was just a pleasure cruise."

A little bit closer to home, it seems that the confidence in Republican leadership has sunk to a new low. A dead woman (a Democrat) was elected county commissioner in Pierre, South Dakota over the Republican incumbent, 100 votes to 64. She had been dead for 2 months, so the voters knew about it and it wasn't an accident. Things aren't looking good for the Republicans. (Found at MSNBC)

Last but definitely not least, we have Season Shot, shotgun pellets that season the bird inside and out so you don't have to. You're able to cook the entire bird without having to worry about any of that nasty shot cracking your teeth when you eat it. It's not out yet, but it's in development. I readily await it's release.

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